What are the Common Causes of Car Accidents?

Car accidents are very frequent in Australia, due to various reasons. Some collisions happen more than others. If you’ve suffered any injury in a car accident, understanding how it happened and who caused it is imperative to get the maximum compensation. Not all type of car accidents is same. So, they need different and specific type of investigation.
A Car Accident Lawyer in Perth closely investigates your accident case and determines the cause of it. While finding the car accident causes, your attorney must diagnose the multiple parties that are the real culprits. It is a pivotal step for resolving your motor vehicle accident case and assisting you get the compensation you deserve.
Let’s look into the most common causes of Car Accidents in Perth.
Top Common Causes of Car Accidents
Distracted Driving
Distracted driving cases are on the rise, but they can be easily avoidable in the majority of situations. Experts say distracted driving is due to major health issue in Australia. Distracted driving causes reduced reaction time, inability to keep a car in its own lane, and dangerous accidents leading to serious injury and even death in the most serious cases. We all can be at risk when a driver checks their cell phone in between.
Unfortunately, the usage of cellphones and GPS technology in vehicles has drastically increased the car accidents occurred by distracted driving.
The victims of Car accidents can hold the distracted drivers responsible for their careless actions. The Western Australia’s Laws encourage motor vehicle accidents victims to recover compensation from the involved parties who caused multiple injuries or property damage. In most of the scenarios, victims receive good compensation for their losses, including medical expenses, lost income, vehicle damage, and physical and emotional suffering.
Drunk and Drugged Driving
In Australia, drunk and drugged driving is illegal. If you are the victim of a drunk driving accident, the law will take stricter actions on the criminal aspects of your accident case. For getting compensation of your personal losses, hire an experienced and the best Car accident lawyer in Perth.
Poor Weather
Weather-influenced road conditions have a crucial role in causing motor vehicle accidents. Poor weather condition is one of the main causes of car accidents.
When poor weather causes accidents, you might get confused how you would get compensation. It is because you can’t file a lawsuit against natural elements, so the driver who collides the car in a dense fog is responsible for the accident. All drivers must be extra careful while driving in unpleasant weather to prevent accidents.
Drivers who drive under poor weather conditions might be legally responsible for the accidents and injuries.
Reckless Driving and Road Rage
Some drivers mistakenly cause an accident, while others may purposefully smash other vehicles in a rage or aggressive manner. If you notice that the driver was intentional in causing an accident, then the injured victims must have all the rights to recover for what they have lost from the driver.
Many drivers act impatiently at some point in their lives. Traffic and slow drivers can be irritating, when you are late for your office or any other event. But, this frustration must not lead you to drive recklessly or aggressively. Drivers who let their egos win their judgement can cause catastrophic accidents. Reckless driving, road rage, and tailgating are the leading common causes of aggressive driving behaviours.
Speeding is a significant factor causing a high percentage of severe accidents in Western Australia. Speeding is not dangerous on highways, but also on your neighbourhood roads, city streets and other pavements.
So, these are the primary causes of car accidents in Western Australia. Hire an acclaimed Car Accident Lawyer in Perth to help you get the right compensation for your losses.